Verbena - Tincture 2 oz
2 oz liquid organic herbal extract
Benefit: Metabolism-anti-inflammatory
- Verbena, Verbenaceae, cleanse the liver, spleen and kidneys
- Hermostatic, anti-inflammatory, calming nerves and detoxifying
- Wound healing and stone dissolving effects.
Made with organci Ingredients:
Local Vodka infused with Verbena
Suggested Use: Shake well before use. Take 3x25 drops per day
Verbena officinalis is a tried and tested medicinal plant that has a positive effect on numerous diseases. For example, it cleans the liver, spleen and kidneys. As a medicinal plant, real verbena is superior to lemon verbena in terms of its effects. This is confirmed by more and more scientific studies on Verbena officinalis.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please note that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If a medical condition persists, please consult a health care professional.
Small artificer lot, Plattsmouth NE